It is absolutely essential to set up protection against COVID 19 for health professionals. Far more than just having them wear surgical masks, it is essential to rethink health facility equipment. We need to redesign the layout of patient care areas. To this end, ABEILLON produces health protection screen solutions that can be used by all healthcare personnel.

1. Identify the risks your professional business entails.

Whatever your specialty may be, whether you work in a practice or nursing home, you need to make specific arrangements. The Ministry of Solidarity and Health has prescribed recommendations for physical equipment:

  • Wearing an FFP2 (APR) type protective mask while checking its tight fit against your face
  • Wearing a single-use disposable long-sleeved over-gown.
  • Systematically wearing protective eyewear.
  • Ensuring complete protection of your hair (hairnet, covering cap…);
  • Wearing single-use disposable gloves.

Higher education facilities also recommend that tele-consultation should be used as much as possible. But there are medical procedures that cannot be done when you are just looking at a computer screen.
Depending on the patient’s needs, nursing and technical care is provided by the caregiver staff or relational attention is given with close proximity between the professional and the patient.
In the activity rooms, it is not so easy to push back the walls to make sufficient room for spacing between patients. Obviously, flow management has to be organized so as to limit density.

2. Calling on expert companies working in health

ABEILLON, the European leader in flexible tube solutions for industry, offers a range of mechanical components designed to support devices in fixed and adjustable positions in space.
For medical applications, this set of components is known as the COMBIMED range, detailed in a catalogue.

Semirigid flexible tubes :
The length of these tubes can vary from a few hundred millimeters to about 1 meter.
The range of vises:
These vises can be mounted on a table or on any type of bar.
A wheeled support base:
These supports can be adjusted for height, bringing a flexible support and the device mounted to it into the most suitable position corresponding to the work in process.
In addition to the remote control support units, threaded end cap adapters, mounting interfaces and medical examination lamps are available with or without a wheeled base.

What protection can be provided against COVID 19 for health professionals ?

3. Adapting your equipment

So, who are our COVID-19 protection solutions aimed at?
It could be every health care access facility. For instance:

  • a general or specialized medical practitioner,
  • a dental practitioner (dentist-stomatologist…),
  • a physical educator,
  • persons with reduced mobility,

Some or all of them may actually use most of the mechanical components and accessories needed to bring any of the following to a particular spatial position :

  • a remote control unit,
  • a reading or control screen,
  • a protective screen,
  • an indicator light or a special lamp,
  • a breath controller,
  • an electronic unit with HMI

4. Arranging your working environment

The mechanical components ABEILLON offers provide unique solutions. Whenever there is a need to support a transparent screen forming a physical separation between the practitioner’s face and that of the patient (typical application in dental practices).

Beyond the medical world, there are also all the major players in aesthetics. “Thalasso” spa centers, hairdressers, body care salons…, anywhere where it is not always easy to keep a safe distance between the professional’s face and that of his clients.
Barrier screens or health protection screens, developed and supplied by medical equipment distribution companies or possibly supplied by ABEILLON, can be moved into any desired position in space.

This is done thanks to the mechanical properties of the semirigid flexible tube, the various interfaces, and the supporting devices.
The tube and the screen can be installed with different orientations on a structural element of the care chair or on a wheeled base also supplied by ABEILLON.

5. Stopping the risks of transmission

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, many practitioners and health professionals have been making efforts to protect their teams and patients, as well as themselves and the people around them.
Using ABEILLON solutions to address the specific needs of their trades, allows them to operate today with an optimal level of health protection.

To deal with the need to reinforce the COVID 19 levels of sanitary protection, despite this unprecedented context obliging us to implement the best-adapted solutions matching the various working methods used in the professional environment, ABEILLON is mobilizing every aspect of its
technical and industrial skills to find qualitative and quantitative answers in the shortest possible time.